KGH A&V Services often find that our customers are in need of quick help with registration in Norway.
We help you get started right away and assist with all reporting to the Norwegian Authorities, such as reporting of VAT, Tax Returns, salaries, reporting of project and personnel on RF-1199 and RF-1198. We can also assist with ordering HSE cards (building card), and help your company with proper handling of Tax Liability. With this, we can help your company in all aspects of setting up and operating a business in Norway.
VAT-registration work flow
Preparation, analysis of flow of goods, warehouse and customer categories and with that see what company type is best for your company.
At acceptance:
- Registration in the Register of Business Enterprises or the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities.
- Registration in the Value Added Tax Register.
- Application for customs credit if needed.
- Counseling to ensure correct management of your local accounting of Norwegian operations.
- Information provided regarding laws and regulations governing foreign employee management in Norway.
Are you in need of assistance with registration in Norway?
Please give us a call on +47 69 21 40 00
Or leave a message in the contact form and we will contact you shortly.
In cooperation with our colleagues at KGH Customs, we offer:
- Analysis of, and recommendation concerning the most profitable organizational model.
- Perhaps VAT registration in Norway is sufficient?
- Company registration and registration at the necessary authorities.
- Counceling concerning the laws governing employees and salary administration for foreign employees.
- Import / Export declarations at the customs authorities and consultations regarding the flow of goods across borders.
Choice of organizational form
Our largest customer group consist of foreign companies that want to establish a business in the Norwegian market. We also have Norwegian customers operating abroad.
- NUF – Norwegian Foreign Entity. This is a branch of your company, and it is the company in the home country who is the legal entity. It is the easiest and fastest way to establish a business in Norway.
- AS – Public Limited Company