It can be demanding and tricky to calculate salary/wages and taxes for an employee. Details must be handled correctly and a great deal of accuracy is necessary. There are also constant changes in the laws, regulations, contracts and amount limitations. We stay updated and are well qualified on all the laws and regulations.
Let us process your salary and wage payments. By doing so, you can take your mind off HR administration and employee follow-up. We ensure correct wage/salary at the right time. You also avoid IT system investments. We can also assist in the follow-up of sick-leave, apply for work-permits, employment agreements / contracts and HR manuals. KGH A&V will ensure that you always have the required employee follow-up procedures when you have a foreign work force or if you are a foreign employer in Norway.
We offer:
- Wage and salary calculation, processing and reporting for all industries.
- Calculation of travel expenses, diet expenses, car travel expenses, outlays and representation. Vi solve this in writing or web-based.
- Vacation salary according to applicable law.
- HR counseling, e.g. for employment law cases
- Counseling regarding employer registration, tax duties when operating with foreign personnel or foreign employer